Why did the United States let the CCP join the WTO?

5 months ago

5/28/2024 Why did the United States let the CCP join the WTO? It is because the US has always harbored the illusion that as long as a country like Communist China becomes capitalist, freedom and democracy will rule the world. As a matter of fact, it has been proven that the CCP started to hide its strength and bide its time very early in order to prepare for the conflict with the US
#NFSC #Chinese≠CCP #TakedowntheCCP #CCP #WTO #presidentClinton #DengXiaoping
5/28/2024 为什么美国会让中共加入世贸组织?因为美国一直抱有幻想只要中共国这样的国家变成资本主义,自由和民主就会在世界普及。事实证明,中共很早就开始韬光养晦,目的就是为与美国的冲突做准备
#新中国联邦 #中共不等于中国人 #消灭中共 #中共 #世贸组织 #克林顿总统 #邓小平

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