Dr Yasufumi Murakami Raises Alarm on Self-Replicating mRNA Vaccines

9 months ago

Senior Fellow of Molecular Oncology and Pharmacology, Dr. Yasufumi Murakami, PhD, is a distinguished professor at the Department of Biotechnology and Science, Tokyo University of Science, Japan. He earned his Ph.D. degree from the Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science, Tokyo University, in 1984. Currently, he serves as the vice Director at the Research Center for RNA Science at Tokyo University of Science. He has recently joined the International Fellowship Program of the Frontline Critical Care Alliance (www.flccc.net) as they expand their range of medical experts to address the health crisis that the world now faces due to the criminalisation of public health via a powerful globalist cabal.

Dr Murakami has a strong Japanese accent and a mild stutter, but what he has to say is imperative for anyone still considering Covid-19 to be a vaccine-preventable disease. It is not. Regardless of the outright lies being told by people working within the system which is now monopolised by corporate greed, the Covid vaccinated are in grave danger. Learn about the mechanisms of harm in lay-friendly terms, here:

Dr Murakami is now raising the alarm on an updated version of mRNA technology which is self-replicating, meaning that the entire genomic sequence of the substance will be replicated without an off-switch, and with the potential, due to shedding which is already occurring, to pass onto unvaccinated individuals who will then also be at risk of producing spike protein. This is entirely different to being infected with the virus, which is a self-limiting exposure, as the person's own cells continually manufacture the dangerous spike protein.

It is imperative that noone receives these dangerous substances. Unfortunately legacy media are captured by the pharmaco-military industry and have very limited understanding of the science, so they continue to brazenly call the likes of Dr Murakami - an eminent virologist and immunologist - "anti vaxxers". This is weaponised propaganda.

VIDEO SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v4zo8wf-bombshell-interview-with-dr.-murakami-reveals-global-plan-for-self-replicat.html

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