Now everybody wants to know what they've been told they can't see!

8 months ago

(found on Dr Judy's transcripts:

Dr Judy Mikovits: As we tell people in plain language, they can see it for themselves. They look around. I got literally 1000s of emails from people who saw that Plandemic movie or who saw the Patrick Bet David interview or who saw and heard some of the several other podcasts, Christina Aguayo on America's Voice. So these shows got out there and they got out there long enough for people to see them, and people are waking up. 1000s of emails that say: I see it in my family, I see it here, I see it. Thank you for waking me up. Even one, they call me Wacka Judy, I don't know if you remember the game Whack a Mole at the fair?
Brian Rose: I do
Dr Judy Mikovits: where you just keep popping up? There was an article, I think it was, I don't know, a major like CNBC. And they said they're having trouble censoring Plandemic the movie, because every time they take it down, somebody pops it up again.
So what that's done, just as in the movie Vaxed, when the film festival said they couldn't show it: everybody wants to see it! So now everybody wants to know what they've been told they can't see. And so everybody's waking up. So we're winning, and it'll bring back freedom of speech in our country, and hopefully journalism with integrity. Hopefully journalism where they do their homework and actually really do a fair and balanced reporting of a situation rather than a character assassination and a hatchet job.

Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD - 05/08/2020

Watch the full interview with Brian Rose available for free at:

Watch We Will Not Be Silenced (Exclusively on X)

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