White Parent Jumps Graduation Stage, Shoves Black Administrator So He Couldn't Shake Daughter's Hand

7 months ago

White Wisconsin Parent Jumps On Stage During Graduation And Pushes Black Superintendent Out Of The Way So He Couldn't Shake His Daughter's Hand — A Wisconsin father was caught on camera shoving aside a school administrator to stop him from shaking his daughter’s hand during her high school graduation — an incident some are saying appears racially charged. “That’s my daughter,” the father, who is white, was heard saying as he leaped to the graduation stage and shoved aside Baraboo School District Superintendent Rainey Briggs, who is black, in late May. “I don’t want her touching him,” the father continued in the footage as he pushed Briggs aside — just moments before his daughter was about to shake his hand as she received her diploma.

Briggs was then heard telling the father to take his hands off him, while the daughter and others on stage looked on with alarm and confusion. Baraboo High School was previously the center of racial controversy in 2018 when a group of then-students were photographed giving the Nazi salute during a prom photo shoot, while a boy in the front row also flashed an “Okay” sign which has become associated with white power groups.

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