america capitalizes on all that's wrong w/ our society

7 months ago

tell me why i do this vortex
don't make it even more awkward amy
i'm sure that many can relate to this experience
yet another evening spent @ trader joe's
i will so i hope you will, too
*burlington coat factory established in 1972 by some jews
more than great coats...they did it!
i'm pretty sure that i talked about this the last time we were here
that's the sound of thelonious (car) cooling off
watch girl, interrupted
study mental illness, you won't regret it
i dunno who the flowers are for
we choose to have very limited contact w/ the world
it might be a combination of narcissism n paranoia
everyone is a victim of the system n this shit world
i usually don't figure out until way later that i had sumin in my teeth
we need to talk about choice in general
men n women have morphed into a giant blob of confusion
obviously i'm the one that is wrong here
finally schizophrenia started to pay off during the lockdown
what chu see now has been happening forever
if it doesn't make a scene then it obviously didn't happen
i'm a danger to society all cos i opened my mouth, i mean you don't have to listen to me
if you tell the truth expect to be castigated
women are kinda prone to manipulate cos we are essentially children still (thank you society)
the red pill is all about questioning reality in general
what do women (as a whole) do that warrants respect
if somebody raped me when i was drunk it woulda been my fault
pro-choice means pro-abortion, fuckin duh
own your decisions, bitch
so i pissed some people off at work yesterday over fuckin roundabouts
it's so easy to upset people cos they always jump to the conclusion that you are saying sumin mean
it's really not all white people tho amy
i fucking hate unnecessary shit that wastes my time
whoever they are they are assholes damnit
i guess i have to figure out how to say EXACTLY what i mean n consolidate my thoughts a little better
i don't consciously make a decision to change my voices but i am aware of them
do yawl fully understand the meaning of behavioral modification yet
they will bring this up in relation to propaganda n "medicine" but that's about it
this is my coworker's dinosaur
back in 2010 i couldn't help but notice that people were obsessed w/ their phones so...
i'm not gonna do sumin that i know is bad
hashtag i killed myself n this is Hell
i keep saying that we're gonna go n then we just keep on talking...CLASSIC ag
*i spent almost a hundred dollars
if you chase whatever makes you authentic everyone will be jealous of you
the biggest risk they take is having sex w/ someone n somebody getting pregnant
simplicity is beautiful in its' own right
talking to myself in the grocery aisle...CLASSIC ag

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