This Is The Real Superman That Will Make The World A Better Place

6 years ago

Whether you call him Kal-El, Clark Joseph Kent or the Man of Steel, fans, and non-alike know him the world over as Superman! The movie Superman is one of the entertaining and perplexing movies, and in one way or another, it contains a philosophy about fascinating nature of potential future of the humanity.

Kids usually love watching superhero movies and imagining that they have the superpowers that all of the best superheroes have. From Spider-Man to Superman, to the Flash, all of their crazy powers make them cool in a kids’ eyes, and something supernatural or unordinary is something that they can dream up in their mind.

However, not only kids and grown-ups want to be a famous superhero like the great Superman! This amazing little dog is going to be a great superhero and he is going to fight crime and we are sure that he is going to make the world a better place! Watch this amazing Superman! In true superhero fashion, this pug rushes to a telephone booth for a quick transformation. So cool!

If not spoiled too much, pugs can be depended on to maintain his sweet, comical, charming personality. Now I know it’s tough to imagine these little guys in battle, but they were actually pretty good at tracking things. During the 17thcentury it wasn’t uncommon for them to be on guard duty or used as tracking dogs to find people or other animals. They still have it!

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