Pharaohs Army and the United Nations. War, famine pestilence & the Who

8 months ago

UN Gathering 'Pharaohs Army' (Psalm 27,pt 2) Cornerfringe & Max Igan (& Pandemic Treaty) Yom Kippur (On bitchute ) or (On Rumble )


If Oil did not exist would Britain still have captured the Middle east i.e Sykes Picot, Balfour etc.see below ? answer = yes. Capturing Eden (Mount Moriah) and the Tree of life is also a part of the Genesis 3,22 to Genesis 3,24 philosophy. Trans-humanism as a modern health service as Israel expands into its prophesied (some would say unstoppable ) inevitable Greater Israel size & (the Abrahamic accords having no such scriptures) what are the conditions ? (Genesis 15, Numbers 34. Ezekiel 40, 6. Romans 11 & Revelations 11, 1 - 2 see also Jeremiah 30:7, Deuteronomy 30:3; Isaiah 43:6; Ezekiel 34:11-13; 36:24; 37:1-14. Isaiah 28:18; Daniel 9:27. Matthew 24:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4; & 1 Corinthians 6:19...
Daniel 12:1, 11; Zechariah 11:16; Matthew 24:15, 21; Revelation 12:13. who will or has invaded Israel ? Ezekiel chapters 38-39. Zechariah 12:10. Jeremiah 33:8; Ezekiel 11:17; Romans 11:26 (all of which relate to un-partitioned Israel not just the Jews but both houses of Israel. The other 11 tribes are not Jews such as Joshua tribe of Joseph, Moses tribe of Levi, Samson tribe of Dan, Paul tribe of Benjamin etc)

How Britain Started the Arab-Israeli Conflict Free Documentary History

(Genesis 3,24) This vid also on YT "Where is the Garden of Eden? | Spotlight on History | The Location of the Garden of Eden" or on youtube ) The Search for the Garden of Eden but especially in Judaism, Islam and Christianity is real (and the location was/is around Jerusalem.

Just as the Templar's searched for Solomon's Temple in the crusades is real, so to the Tree of Life search. It involves various methods today including the Kabbalah, & the intellect/ gnosis, metaphysically / spiritually & physical searches geographically (see Location heading below) It is also believed that locating it ( through a veil or 'prism' of some description some theorize) it will then theoretically provide the 'Elixir of Life' which exist's in the Tree of Life (hence Genesis 3,22) This tree existed with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil at Eden (see Genesis 1 - 4) and its fruit banished man and woman kind from the Garden within Eden. Its sin was a negative catastrophe. Cain was also banished from Eden for slaying his own brother Abel in Genesis 4. Cain wanted to present nature and its produce as an offering to Gd, but Abel's offering was the only acceptable presentation, hence Cain in jealousy slew Abel. (see also NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC The Garden Of Eden Full Mystery Documentary & Video 58 The Great Arcanum Hermetic Gnosticism Gen 3,22 & AI, Procreation a 'New Secret Doctrine' )

See also Ancient Civilizations - Searching for the Garden of Eden

With the spiritual /metaphysical insights and the intellect as Gnosticism, and then also a geographical combination, ( ) these vehicles will also combine, with changes to your DNA as a form of Alchemy they believe (2 double stranded helix to 3 stranded DNA see video 36 & 38 & 68b and 68 C ) Mankind will remove all diseases by vaccination and higher thoughts of good ( "diseases are the equivalent of Sin or Sins, which we the human race carry it is believed. We are the disease.In 2019 Scientific American also mooted CRISPR changes to DNA to fight Virus "Scientists Program CRISPR to Fight Viruses in Human Cells" and see video (Video 53) How CRISPR Changes Human DNA Forever (and why see in the description box) ) Then cleansed we will evolve up the Tree of Life and obtain Immortality. And everyone has to go along with the disease removing process by Vaccination.

Incredible as this may seem, this is the apotheosis and ascension of man and womankind in Astro - theology elites & adepts. It is a combination of older Astro - theological thought and modern Big Pharma merges. In effect they are breaking back into Eden and / or returning to Eden but, there is a problem. The problem is Cherubim's surround the Tree of life and a Sword of flames moves every which way North, South, East and West preventing anyone from returning see Genesis 3, 24.,of%20the%20tree%20of%20life.%22&text=And%20he%20placed%20a%20flaming,to%20the%20tree%20of%20life.%22 The problem in short is Gd.

LOCATION (see also the map on the front cover) here on bitchute Its location is within the "Fertile Crescent"

but not in Iraq or towards the southern Gulfs which are a distraction, but the clues are given when Abraham was sent to Canaan's land and Mount Moriah. He was to sacrifice Isaac upon it. King David purchased the threshing floor and later built the tabernacle and Solomon built his Temple and Jesus Christ was crucified there, but on a tree not a cross (Acts 5.30; 10.39; 13.29 and see Deuteronomy. 21.22-23) Jesus Christ sweated Blood in the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:44 Matthew 26,26 & Mark 14,32 & John 18,1 ) which is a form of Eden. Whilst the bible does not say it is in or around Jerusalem it does not say it is not. The Gihon river (from which Israels Kings were anointed see 1 Kings 1,33 ) also flows from Mount Moriah and into four rivers echoing the river of Ezekiel and Revelations. It is a prism today and its way is barred Genesis 3,24 Gen 2:10: “A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers.” They were the Pishon, the Gihon, the Tigris and the Euphrates. So the original flow and areas were moved due to a catastrophic event such as the Great Flood but satellite imagery reveals the four rivers ...

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