( -0677 ) Demand Accountability For Crimes Against Humanity - The Big Jab

8 months ago

We Won't Need Another Star Chamber When We Present the Evidence

The Big Jab Parts 1 & 2 (The Most Researched Covid-19 Documentary Ever)

Mike Yeadon
Steve Kirsch
Sherri Tenpenny
Robert F. Kennedy Jr
Robert Malone
Paul Alexander
Ryan Cole
Reiner Fuellmich
John Campbell
John O’Looney
Simone Gold
Ron Johnson
Peter McCullough
Lee Merritt
Richard Hirschman
Geert Vandenbossche
Pierre Kory
Dolores Cahill
Scott Atlas
Edward Dowd
Carrie Madej
Alex Jones
Larry Palevsky
Christiane Northrup
Sucharit Bhakdi

Laibow, Dr. Rima (alternative doctor who advocates vaccine safety - connected to General Ralph Stubblebine, who appeared in Remote Viewing - The Real X-Files
Massy, Christine (sent FOIA requests for information regarding the isolation of the Covid-19 causing virus, SARS Cov2
McCullough, Dr. Peter (A pro vaccination conventional doctor with dozens of published peer-reviewed journal articles; 40 on Covid-19 - alone-was speaking on RedPill78 channel concerning right not to have forced vaccinations -)
Mercola, Dr. Joseph
Minaj, Nicki (hip hop artist, vocalist, songwriter, rapper
Mullis, Kari (developed PCR test, said it should never be used for diagnosis or on people without symptoms)
Nepute, Dr. Eric (holistic doctor - promotes material indicating that the media is propagating a false narrative regarding Covid-19) freevitamindeals.com
Noorchashm, Dr. Hooman (MD and PHD, Physician Scientist, warns of immunological damage from Covid-19 Vaccine)
Pérez, Armando Christian (rapper, known professionally as Pitbull)
Risch, Dr. Harvey (epidemeology professor at Yale University who suggested in April 2021 that 60% of people coming down with Covid-19 now have already been vaccinated)
Rose, Dr. Jessica (at the FDA Booster Hearing, questions the official Covid-19 narrative)
Schmedes, Senator Gregg (placed video on his instagram account concerning children and the Delta Variant (CDC site data does not suggest a significant increase)
Scoglio, Dr. Stefano (Nobel-Prize-Nominated researcher & Dr. who believes there's no Sars Cov2)
Shiva, Dr. Ayyadurai (congressional candidate, MIT graduate with 4 degrees, "creator of emails", guest on Mike Lindell's documentary entitled Absolute Proof about election fraud in the 2020 U.S. election.)
Stadler, Beda M., (Emeritus Professor of Immunology, says health officials, governments and media lying and using the fear for political purposes)
Steele, Robert David (claims to have been intelligence asset, wrote multiple books including a series on pedophilia, child trafficking, and government blackmail - part of ITNJ)
Stubblebine, Maj. Gen. Albert N. III (the third) (nickname Bert) (US Army, Ret.) Natural Solutions Foundation President, connected to Dr. Rima Laibow, general who appeared in Remote Viewing - The Real X-Files
Teri Hrubec (Quatranary Amonium cleaners, Quats - anti-viral cleaners used to clean schools during Covid-19 pandemic)
Trudeau, Kevin ktradionetwork.com (author of books on Healing)
Van Lieshout, Teresa (Australian politician that some say is mentally ill. Recently she read off "arrest warrants" for other Australian politicians for their actions in regard to Covid-19)
Webb, Gary b1935 - d10 Dec 2004 (suicide by two gunshot wounds to the head, Pulitzer Prize-winning Journalist, exposed CIA in Drug Trafficking)
Weinstein, Dr. Bret (PHD in biology, specialist in evolution, background in immunobiology; accidently unearthed a flaw that still exists in our drug safety system: Dark Horse podcast, "3 Steps to Save The World, re Covid-19
Wellstone, Paul b1944 - d25 Oct 2002 (U.S. Senator from Minnesota, Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party (died in suspicious plane crash)
Werner, Richard (Economist, fan of de-centralized banking and money supply?)
White, Dana (owns UFC)
Wichmann, Jonathan (candidate for Governor of Wisconsin - believes the Covid-19 vaccination is a cover for the global financial reset aka the great reset aka )
Wodarg, Wolfgang (Physician/Medical Internist fighting with pharma companies, is in conference with Luc Montagnier & )
Wolf, Naomi (liberal third-wave-feminist author of End of America, contains the "10 Steps to Fascism" she coined - lately appearing on conservative shows against certain Covid-19-related policies)
Yeadon, Dr. Mike (former VP and Chief Scientific Advisor of Pfizer Pharmaceuticals
Zelenko, Vladimir, MD (medical doctor, inventor of hydroxychloroquine, interviewed by Claire Chretien, Editorial Dir of Lifesitenews)
Austin-Fitts, Catherine
Baker, Matt (spoke at the Covid-19 Meeting in Orange County, spoken word poetry about "The Wind"
Merritt, Dr. Lee (Former president of American Physicians and Surgeons
Baric, Ralph (virologist researcher
Daszak, Peter (microbiologist & vet, virus gain-of-function researcher-in Fauci's emails he stated on Feb 6-7, 2020 that they needed a cover story to distance himself & the Chinese from SARS CoV2)
Drostin, Christian (huge player in the use of PCR tests and recommending high cycle numbers for them which result in false positives by the millions. TIB Mobile (mfrg PCR tests) co owned by Christian Drostin, is in the same bldg as the co. Chemicell)
Ferguson, Professor Neal (claimed 2.2 million people would die in the U.S. from SARS CoV2 - locked down to pants down - busted escaping from home for a tryst during mandatory U.K. lockdown)
Tam, Theresa (chief public health officer of Canada)
Gottlieb, Scott ( Former FDA commissioner in charge of regulating Pfizer - current member of the board of directors of Pfizer
Fauci, Anthony ( NIAID's Director under the NIH - founder of bioweapons research on gain of function bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology )
Craig, Dr. Clare (UK doctor and diagnostician working in cancer research [100 genes project], critic of Covid-19 response and narrative.

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