LGBTQIA+ - Sexuality & Gender Expression

9 months ago

American society desexualizes older adults and refuses to recognize that many people remain sexually active across their lifespan. People (regardless of sexual preference) stay sexually active well into their late 80s. People with dementia also have the need and desire to be sexual and intimate.

As people with dementia experience changes in cognition & judgment, the expression of their sexuality may result in behaviors that are challenging for others to accept. A person experiencing memory loss may express inappropriate sexual behavior, changes in levels of inhibition, and maybe even the formation of new relationships. It is common for family members to struggle with decisions about what they feel is right or wrong, obligations, needs, and unfaithfulness.

Independent Living, Assisted Living, & Memory Care facilities rarely have experience welcoming LGBTQIA+ people. Conversations about sexuality & sexual expression are often challenging for the staff, family & loved ones. It is even more challenging if the conversation includes the sexual activity of people of the same sex. LGBTQIA+ people MUST be given the same opportunities to experience healthy & safe sexual contact as their heterosexual peers.

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