Looking with Two Eyes or One? #191

4 months ago

This short video briefly suggests how to use both eyes virtually all the time when painting from life, how to see flat, and how to see the unified field simultaneously.

In response to Mist

QUESTION: I started a night time painting so that I would be able to look for longer times without changes in the light. It has been very enjoyable. When looking at the picture plane I notice I need one eye closed to avoid a double vision of everything beyond the plane. Do we take the visual impression in through one eye or both eyes open? Specifically when looking through the view finder. Edit: episode 21 answers my question well enough about double vision. I don't draw double vision so closing one eye when needed is just fine, or even backing up or whatever to get rid of the visual distortion. Unless im painting a vision about double vision that is :) maybe a painting of being drunk lol


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