XDefiant Has NO Sbmm... But This Is Why You Might Feel Like It Does - COD vs XD Super Fanboys lol

8 months ago

#xdefiantgameplay #xdefiantgame #xdefiant #mwiii #modernwarfare3 #mw3 #callofduty #season4 #sbmm #eomm #rant #xdefiantgame #xdefiant #blackops6 #codww2

Other than the welcome playlist and ranked... Xdefiant doesn't have sbmm from everything I've seen. But there is heavy team balancing for solo players and it looks like we might have a lot of cheaters already infesting this game.
The call of duty super fanboys are trying to destroy Xdefiant and vice versa. You can't make this up

XDefiant & COD WW2 PS5

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