Overcome Feelings of Shame, Humiliation, Regret & Heal from Abuse

9 months ago

Overcome Feelings of Shame, Humiliation & Heal from Abuse

Far too many people who have experienced domestic violence, childhood abuse & CSA have talked about feeling: Humiliated, experience the emotions of shame, regret, anxiety and depression and more. Often these emotions linger and feel as if they are inescapable.

Let's look at the definition of the word: Humiliated

Definition: humiliated; humiliating: transitive verb
: to reduce (someone) to a lower position in one's own eyes or others' eyes : to make (someone) ashamed or embarrassed : MORTIFY
hoped they wouldn't humiliate themselves in their next game
accused her of humiliating him in public
feel so humiliated

Here is the GOOD news!

Transitive verbs are verbs that take an object, which means they include the receiver of the action in the sentence. In the example sentence “she gives a gift,” the verb gives is transitive and a gift is the direct object because it receives the action (a gift is what is being given).

What this means for how YOUR feel about yourself and your past experience is you cannot have a GIFT you do NOT ACCEPT. This means that if you Choose to feel humiliated that will be the case. Or if you choose to feel opposite emotions such as:

Full of Self Love

You can. These are gifts you can choose to accept.

The truth of the matter is that you can decide how you feel and your emotions and feelings are the undercurrent of your beliefs.

You can more rapidly heal from any past experience and change your beliefs and choose your emotions.

To Your Health, Healing Vitality & Joy! Lynn C. Cox, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Abuse Recovery Coach at www.lynnccox.com

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Hypnosis, hypnotherapy and Rapid Transformational Therapy are not a substitute for the advice of your medical doctor. All content presented on this channel is for educational purposes only and should only be considered as general information. All claims and advice on this channel represent an ideal outcome. Individual results may vary and cannot be guaranteed.

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