Manni Looks for More

8 months ago
#truestory #downsyndromeawareness #downsyndrome
Where there's a will, there's a way - and sometimes a very long one. Manuel has Down syndrome, and in a sports group for people with disabilities he meets the educator Julius. The two are in their late 20s when they set off on the greatest adventure of their lives: eight weeks backpacking through Australia. They don't just travel through the outback, to Melbourne or the Gold Coast, but above all to themselves. Manuel turns out to be a party animal and karaoke showman. Julius learns along the way to take responsibility not only for himself.
In the "French fry crisis", Manuel ends his friendship with Julius - and the premature termination of the trip seems inevitable. Eavesdropping on the two dissimilar globetrotters under the Southern Cross is on the one hand hilarious, on the other moving and - as an inclusion experiment - also very informative.
After a five-part documentary that ARTE broadcast about the trip, Julius Werner has now written down his experiences with Manuel Zube.
Manni Looks for More #truestory #downsyndromeawareness #downsyndrome #downsyndromerocks #friendship #bestfriend #downsyndromemom #autismoftiktok #downsyndromeparents #theluckyfew #specialneeds #downsyndromelove #sindromededown #inclusion #trisomy #love #nothingdownaboutit #adhd #disability #autismawarenessandacceptance #downsyndromeadvocate #morealikethandifferent #cerebralpalsy #upsyndrome #trisomia #asd #rocks #downrightperfect #changingthefaceofbeauty #down #aspergers #downsinmitos #specialeducation #disabilityawareness #autismacceptance

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