The Anti-American Anti-Semitism Bill Decoded by Dr. Shiva

7 months ago

The Global Elite Swarm’s Nazis & Zionists are uniting as never before, to snuff out the massive educational awakening of billions who are learning:

1. Anti-Zionism is NOT Anti-Semitism

2. Zionism is RACISM (is Anti-Semitism) in the service of IMPERIALISM

Their strategy is to:

1. Spread Anti-Jewish, Pro-Hitler messaging to re-blur the difference between Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism so as to enable Zionists to call Anti-Zionists, Anti-Semites to pass new draconian laws to suppress that awakening;

2. Normalize fascism e.g. Hitler, Mussolini, etc.;

3. CONFLATE all Jews as one group - one class - intentionally not distinguishing between working class Jews who were victims of pogroms, etc. with billionaire Jews eg Rothschilds, etc. who financed Zionism and colluded with Nazism;

4. Destroy any memory of the heroic efforts of the Working People of Russia & the Soviet Union who UNITED and sacrificed themselves against the Nazis, and in fact were the true heroes of WWII;

5. MAKE YOU FORGET how Nazis & Zionists collaborated to butcher Jewish working people as exemplified in the Warsaw Ghetto.

All of this is being done to perpetuate their political ideology - Zionism, Nazism, Brahmanism - that aims to justify why the 0.000001 % must rule over the 8 Billion of us, SO, WE THE PEOPLE, across all races, religions, nationalities, do NOT unite to

Exposing this unholy alliance is the order of the day!

Be The Light,

Dr. Shiva

Truth Freedom Health Movement

Shiva For President 2024

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