Ask Me 74: How we can know things from God's bedroom || DosimpleTV

8 months ago

Wonderful session. How we can know things from God's bedroom. Having discussed Psalms 15 where we understood the manner of person who can enter the tabernacle of God. When you are in the bedroom, how do you know things that are coming. We looked at 1 Corinthians 2:11 where we saw that it the Spirit of God that knows the things of God and by the virtue of we receiving the Holy Spirit, we can know the things of God. In other words, man cannot know the things of God except by the Spirit of God. We can limit the Spirit by what we know about God. I gave the example of Samuel when he was first called by God and he thought it was the master Eli calling him. Until he was told how to respond to the voice, he kept on going to Eli. The knowledge of how to respond helped him to begin a conservation with God. Some people also believes that God cannot speak to them in the day time and this becomes a limitation for them. What we know about God opens the channel for us to have a greater understanding of the message from God. It helps us develop better relationship with God. Yes, relationship - because the Holy Spirit is a person (John 14:26). Once one understands that the Spirit of God is a person, we become more conscious of His presence and let our character and conduct be directed by His presence. The Psalmist wrote in chapter 139:7-8 where can we go from His presence. He is always present anywhere, anytime. We must therefore be conscious of the presence of God. It is not even a matter of feelings because feelings can change. It must be based on faith on the word of God. As we do this and cultivates a relationship with the Spirit of God, we will knows things from the bedroom of God. Watch, comment, like and share to reach others. Cheers #dennis_onuigbo || DosimpleTV

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