In The Spotlight | Kelvin Crosby: The DeafBlind Potter

8 months ago

Kelvin Crosby is an inventor, an entrepreneur, a radio and podcast host, and a social media sensation. He is also legally blind and hearing impaired.

He lives with a condition called Usher’s Syndrome Type II. Born with hearing loss, his eyesight gradually degenerated until he was declared legally blind at age 19.

Today, he runs the DeafBlind Potter, where he sells his pottery artwork, including best selling DeafBlind Potter coffee mugs. Out of this enterprise he is also building the DeafBlind Potter School for “individuals with various disabilities” to “live beyond their challenges.”

An endless fountain of ideas, Crosby is the inventor of the lighted See Me Cane, which capitalizes on the traditional “white cane” mobility aid for the blind.

In his monthly Perseverance Podcast, Kelvin highlights others who have overcome seemingly impossible odds to “persevere through suffering,” like himself.

See more of Kelvin’s work on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.

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