Thursday Bible Life Today Revelation 6 6-6-2024

4 months ago

Revelation chapter 6 begins the Tribulation Period, Daniel's 70th Week. We see Jesus as the Lamb loosing the seven seals to open the scroll He took from the Father's hand. As He loosens the individual seals, judgments come forth.
The first seal brings the rider on the white horse, the antichrist who will deceive the world.
The second seal brings the rider on the red horse and war is the result; peace is taken and people begin killing one another.
The third seal brings the rider on the black horse and famine comes, the result of war. It will take a whole days wages just to buy one day's worth of food.
The fourth seal brings the rider on the pale green horse and there is widespread death; one fourth of the world's population will die.
The fifth seal brings the cry of the martyrs and God's response that they are to have patience until the remainder of their brethren join them.
The sixth seal brings about cosmic disturbances to the sun and moon and a great earthquake such that the hills and mountains and islands are removed.The unbelieving people and leaders cry for the rocks and mountains to fall on them and hide them from the wrath of God and the wrath of the Lamb.
These verses attest to the fact that the Tribulation is well underway during the seal judgments.

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