Conversations with Jessie #25 - Order of Melchizedek & Brotherhood Lineages

8 months ago

In this poignant, heartfelt discussion, Jessie discusses her knowledge and experience regarding more brotherhood organizations, lineages, and rituals, including the Order of Melchizedek. We also discuss the "why" for going public with our testimony and the "how" of memories and personal experiences coming to light within us through God's direction. Join us for this informative and, as always, encouraging message for Survivors and all those who walk with the Family of God during these incredible times.

*What is Transformations? Transformations is a faith-based course of study created by Adena Hodges and hosted by Kingdom Equipping Center ( Using short, focused, video-based teaching, guest speakers, opportunities for direct heavenly encounters, and weekly group support, the Transformations course of study leads participants out of the cycle of trauma and victimhood and into a direct relationship with the Family of God and their true identity in Jesus Christ.

If you would like more information about Transformations, please contact Adena at

If you would like more information about Jessie Czebotar and upcoming events, please visit

#transformations, #kingdomequippingcenter, #jesuschrist, #bible, #mentalhealth, #testimonial, #traumahealing, #spirituality, #ptsd, #trauma, #sra, #jessieczebotar

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