Rep. MTG Accuses Fauci of Hypocrisy, Calls for Him to Be Charged With Crimes Against Humanity

4 months ago

06/03/2024 U.S. Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene accused Fauci of hypocrisy and lies during the hearing. Because of his so-called scientific and medical advice, Americans were forced to stay at home and wear masks, while Fauci and his cronies got paid by big pharmaceutical companies. Representative Marjorie said that Fauci should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity and put in jail.
06/03/2024 美国众议员玛乔丽·泰勒·格林在听证会中指责福奇的虚伪和谎言。因其所谓的科学和医学建议,美国人被迫呆在家中,被迫戴口罩,而福奇及其亲信却从大药厂拿钱。玛乔丽议员表示,福奇应该以反人类罪被起诉并关进监狱。

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