Warning: Dogs can have heat strokes also!!!

7 months ago

Warning!!! Dogs can have heat related deaths also. We went for a trail ride today. It wasn’t a long ride but it was hot today. It was also very dry. We did not ride near the river, and it had not rained enough to leave any mud holes along the edges of the road for Peaches to cool off in. On our way back home. I noticed peaches picking up her back feet really high. It was like the dirt road was hot to her feet but the other dogs were not doing that. I watched her for a few minutes and realize she must be having a heat related problems. I decided it was time to pick her up and give her a little help. I did not have enough water with me to help cooler down. I asked Joanna to hand her up to me and decided the best thing to do was to carry her onto the closest house. That happened to be Joanna‘s mother home . When we stopped, I handed her back off to Joanna. Joanna started wet and her down with the hose pipe. Which peaches is not used to a hose pipe. But she excepted it after just a minute. So anytime you have your pups with you keep a close watch on them . I would never have thought peaches would’ve had problems. Like I said, it was not a long ride, but it was mostly in the sun on roads instead of in the woods and near the river like I normally ride.

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