| Live! |The Haram Life Podcast w/ Special Guest Lila Hart!

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It’s Episode 73 of The Haram Life Podcast, live on YouTube and Rumble! Get in the chat and join the action. We're diving into hot topics like the Trump Trial verdict, Hunter Biden's latest antics, WNBA drama, Infowars getting the boot, Fauci facing Congress, a dad decking a comedian, Twitter's new ID verification drama, and Joe Biden's teleprompter fails. All these and everything else happenings in the world covering it the only we we know how.

Plus, we’re talking Boxing, UFC, NBA playoffs, and checking out some trending Twitter clips.

Special guest comedienne Lila Hart joins us to sort through the haram-verse.

Big shoutout to our sponsor, [Kr8om](https://www.kr8om.com). Hit that like button and subscribe so you don’t miss out!

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