4 months ago

One protester noticed something unusual about a New York police officer’s badge: A US-Israeli double flag pin.

This recording took place as the officer stood on a police line at a pro-Palestine demonstration on 31 May in New York’s borough of Brooklyn.

While it could not be confirmed, social media users have said a law prohibits New York police officers from wearing anything that may be perceived as political while on duty.

About 1,000 protesters had stormed the Brooklyn Museum that day to demand prominent institutions like the museum divest from Israel, which has k*lled more than 36,000 Palestinians with a military onslaught and escalated siege since 7 October. Some demonstrators had attempted to set up a tent encampment in the museum’s lobby while others unfurled a ‘Free Palestine: Divest from G*n*cide’ banner from the rooftop of the city’s second-largest museum. Recordings also showed police brutality against demonstrators, including Within Our Lifetime: United for Palestine organiser, Nerdeen Kiswani (@nerdeen_kiswani), whose hijab (Muslim head covering) came off while police tackled her to the ground.

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