Cyberpunk2077 Nomad Ep104 Ghost Town (Continued) (No Commentary)

8 months ago

How much more interesting would this section of the story have been if there was the possibility of cutting out Panam and the Aldecaldos completely?

Rogue forwards Panams number to V once she's briefed him on the Kang Tao AV. But why make it mandatory to use Panam at all? At no point during The Pickup job was it essential to use Meredith Stout in order to secure the Flathead bot from Maelstrom...

What was the sum total of Panams contribution to securing Hellman? Her EMP plan? Fails. The AV is at best momentarily disoriented. Her truck? It's only used once or twice to shoot down drones and I don't see why those can't be shot down by other means, given how easily I've taken out random gang members in their cars with the Shingen Mark V.

The rocket launcher she pulls out of nowhere at the last second is the one thing that gets the proper result. Don't tell me V couldn't have called around Night City until a Fixer is able to source him a proper weapon system comparable to what Panam used.

Having the option to go after Hellman completely solo would have been nice to have.

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