🚜 EU Farmers Protest Ahead of European Elections

9 months ago

🚜 EU Farmers Protest Ahead of European Elections – Demonstrations Close France-Spain Border and Once Again Paralyze Brussels. About 500 farmers from Poland and other European countries protest in Brussels. Activists are demanding that EU authorities abandon environmental policies, which, according to protesters, threaten the future of European agriculture.

In the last months, the European Farmers organized themselves to a historical degree, promoted an overwhelming season of protests and gained many concessions from both national governments and the European Union.

Now, as the old continent prepares itself for the EU elections, they have promoted another round of demonstrations that, while not as large as some of the previous efforts, are nevertheless a vivid reminder that the Union has to pay attention to the people who produce the food they eat.

To being with, yesterday (3), Spanish and French farmers blocked roads along their mutual border through the Pyrenees mountains.

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