How to make the best chicken breast jerky meat with spices

8 months ago

Wash fresh chicken fillets, dry them, cut off the skin, fat and edges and put them in a tight shape. Sprinkle salt 1.5 to 2 centimeters thick on the bottom of a bowl. Put the fillet pieces on top and cover with the same layer of salt. So the fillets will be salted and at the same time lose moisture. Leave them at room temperature for 7 hours.
After the time has elapsed, remove the fillets and rinse the salt under running water. Blot thoroughly with paper towels. Dip into your favorite spices, in our case: thyme, pepper, paprika, smoked paprika, ground garlic, basil, coriander. Hang to dry in a ventilated place for 3-5 days.
Bon appetit!

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