earned $22,085 my winning method | Best Pocketoption strategy

8 months ago

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#pocketoption #pocketoptionstrategy
Hello Friends. In today's video I will show you a method that I like very much and it has been tested by me for a long time and it still works well. What I like about this method is that when you spot a good moment, you can make multiple entries on the same currency pair until the indicators give you good signals and I want to show you all that. Indicators I use: Three Moving Averages and RSI.

Friends, remember that your trading account is only yours, and do not write me about being your account manager. This is forbidden!

WARNING: Trading CFDs carries a high level of risk as the use of leverage can affect your financial position both positively and negatively. Trading on CFDs is not suitable for all investors, as it can result in a complete loss of the invested capital. Never invest more than you can afford. Be sure to familiarize yourself with all the risks before you start trading complex financial products.

#pocketoption #pocketoptionstrategy

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