Tony Fauci Claims Anti Vaxxers Responsible for Hundreds of Thousands of Deaths

8 months ago

Tony Fauci appeared before a congressional hearing in the US a few days ago.

He remains staunch in his belief that he is the good guy, and receives unwavering support from a large contingent of what appears to be mainly Democrat party members, leading to the obvious conclusion that this is a bipartisan political issue and not a scientific discussion. During the hearing, it was repeated many times that "the Covid vaccines saved millions of lives". These claims defy the real world data, instead relying on mathematical modeling steeped in errors similar to the modeling errors being used to claim that climate change is different today than it has been throughout history. Both sets of models result in unprecedented profits being made by a powerful minority.

Read about the mathematical modeling scandal here:
and here:

Covid vaccines are in fact linked to many millions of injuries, disabilities and deaths.


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