My 2 Year Birthday - Getting Out Frustrations without Drugs

9 months ago

I got two years clean today.

I am just working out worries and frustrations with my mental health tool, my guitar.

I got 2 years clean today. And no meds. Music, poetry, and prayer our my medication.

I have been busy playing on a church worship team, writing poetry, writing and arranging music, facilitating a poetry and music open mike, going to church, going to self meetings, going to Celebrate Recovery, writing proposals, and playing music for therapy by myself and with others.

This channel is for all people and all faiths. My faith is in Jesus Christ but I respect the faith of others when it makes them a good person who inspires me to be a good Christian. Sometimes listening to a Jewish Rabbi give a sermon about being a lite makes me want to pray to Jesus to have the light had gave me shine for all to see. I want to all to fight against evil and too be delivered from evil.

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