What is BABY BOOM?

9 months ago


What does BABY BOOM mean? BABY BOOM meaning - BABY BOOM definition - BABY BOOM explanation. What is the meaning of BABY BOOM? What is the definition of BABY BOOM? What does BABY BOOM stand for? What is BABY BOOM meaning? What is BABY BOOM definition?

A baby boom is any period marked by a greatly increased birth rate. This demographic phenomenon is usually ascribed within certain geographical bounds. People born during such a period are often called baby boomers; however, some experts distinguish between those born during such demographic baby booms and those who identify with the overlapping cultural generations.

The causes of baby booms may involve various fertility factors. One common baby boom was right after WWII during the Cold War.

The U.S. birthrate exploded after World War II. From 1945 to 1961, more than 65 million children were born in the United States. At the height of this baby boom, a child was born every seven seconds. Many factors contributed to the baby boom. First, young couples who had put off getting married during World War II and the Korean War could finally begin their families. Also, the government encouraged the growth of families by offering generous GI benefits for home purchases. Finally, popular culture celebrated pregnancy, parenthood, and large families.

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