Fauci Deserves Prison? Trump Should Release JFK, 911, & Epstein Files? The Agree To Disagree Show

4 months ago

On today's episode of The Agree To Disagree Show, host Brian Engelman responds to the following statements & see where we agree and where we disagree.
On the following topics, do YOU agree or disagree?

Dr. Fauci should go to prison for crimes against humanity?
The Government knew all along that Covid was a lab leak?
The Feds are trying to shut down Alex Jones & Infowars?
Joe Biden will grant mass amnesty to illegals as voting bloc?
Trump should keep JFK, 9/11 & Epstein files declassified?
Trump would become dictator and put the U.S. into anarchy?
Hunter Biden should be jailed for 25 years over gun crimes?

Plus much more!

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We believe in our 1st amendment and free speech.
Nothing is more important than our God given right to express our opinions, ideas, questions and concerns.
We believe in our God given right to a media who is allowed to openly speak truth to power, question everything with boldness, and even mock the mockable like the court jesters of yesteryear.
The necessary exchange of ideas, suggestions, opinions, and revisions of opinions is paramount to sifting through news stories. The "act of committing journalism" is the exploration of uncharted intellectual territory, where sometimes we can only be guided by instinct and intuition. That is known as having a "nose for the news".
TNAM has a pretty stellar track record (nose for news) since 2011 and we'll put our batting average up against any other media outlet in this world, or in any worlds yet to be discovered.
We analyze rumors that can't be confirmed, we sift through "official propaganda", & we call out the lies. We NEVER want you to take our opinion as fact. Likewise, you must never take the bold claims of an official "fact checker" as accurate & you must not put your blind faith in anyone.
You must reject the fiction that two plus two equals five.
We humbly request that you do your OWN research. In the endless pursuit of truth, the social media companies prefer that we add links to "countervailing views" on the two most hot button issues of our day, so please feel free to peruse these sites for your consideration:
CISA.gov/RumorControl (regarding the 2020 election)
and CDC.gov/vaccines (regarding medical claims, and the ensuing political decisions related to the topic)
Feel free to peruse these sites and watch how they claim to know as fact that the 2020 election was the most "safe and secure election in the history of Earth".
Some other sites claim that they, (and only they), are allowed to have opinions on important matters like: "the things you must insert into your body" and "all things related to medicine".
We at TNAM ask you,...yes, YOU, to consider all of the points both FOR and AGAINST whatever "the narrative" of the day is.
Generally speaking, if the lying legacy media or big tech overlords seem to all be "in agreement",...and if freedoms are restricted in the name of "helping you",... we are very interested in hearing from EVERYONE with a different opinion, hence the name: "The Agree To Disagree Show"
The New American Media encourages you to seek truth, challenge dogma, & have fun.
Thank you,
The NEW American Media
(Because the OLD American media failed)

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