8 months ago

Just one note: It is not a "vitamin".
I did hear a second hand story of a young girl who had a brain tumor and faced having a portion of her brain removed, being "healed" by this, without surgery.
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An example of spreading the lie.
< https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/laetrile-vitamin-b17 >
Whether innocently, due to believing the primary flow media and/or goober propaganda and/or doctors, as taught by medical schooling, OR they are willing doing so, themselves, for whatever reason, ANCCR does not know nor making any accusations.
< https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/laetrile-vitamin-b17 >
However, keep in mind this was the top hit listed by search engine Duck'n'Go.
Search engines are well known for controlling prioritized listing of websites.
In some cases, they even attempt to hide some popular or often sought out websites and/or information. Today, I looked up a fairly well known person, involved with Biblical studies and Wiki (wicked) Pedia said "[their name] does not exist" within their files. Strange, since the initial click on link contained the start of information about this person [Nehemia G.]. Using WAY BACK produced the full page!

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