6/4/24 The atmosphere of victory.. ❤️

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5/20/24 dad‘s dream: the atmosphere of victory(broadcast copy)

In my dream, the Lord said, “Did you notice the atmosphere around you has changed. The tipping point has happened. You will notice that every prophetic puzzle piece will go as smooth as butter together, just like the puzzles in your dreams. You will be approaching every day as a victor.

Then I saw myself standing in the center of a desert with hundreds and thousands of Angelic Warriors that were birds, creatures. They were waiting for their instructions.

I looked down, and I saw the gas gauge, which looked like our car, and the tank was empty. So I said to the Lord, “That can’t be true because I filled the car up with gasoline yesterday”. I looked back at the gas gauge and it was full, so I said to the Lord, “Oh, see our gas gauge is full.” The Lord said, “That is not your gas gauge, that’s the enemy’s gas gauge.“ I replied, “Oh, then all we need to do is attack their fuel source and we will eliminate the enemy?” “You are not going to do anything like that, that is what my angel army is going to do. You do not fight the way we fight, when we fight we eliminate the enemy. We are going to attack the enemy’s gas tank: their money, bank accounts, influence, authority, connections, even the power of the Internet. You are of the Solomon generation, not the David generation,” said the Lord.

Most of David’s battles were fought in the flesh, but Solomon was given the anointing of wisdom. Through this power, which was spiritual, he became the wealthiest man that has ever existed on planet earth. He fulfilled my promises to Israel and had influence and power Over the entire area from Europe to Asia, that I promised Abraham. None of these nations came under the fleshly mandates of an earthly kingdom.

Your daughter Rocki shared with you a few days ago about Solomon going astray when he was at the height of his wealth, the richest man the world has ever seen and at this point, he allowed his flesh, women and other Gods, to become his influence. His flesh caused him to sin. Solomon‘s heart did not remain fully towards God, but his heart was half towards the idols of his wife’s and half towards the Lord.

When I woke up from the dream, I realized God wants us to put him personally in charge of all the blessings that He’s going to give us. That means every day we ask God about what we eat, what we wear, what we purchase, where we live, travel, and etc., to flow smooth as butter in the fulfillment of God‘s blessings.

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