My love. My Coronjaa. RIP 26.04.2024

9 months ago

In the realm of love and laughter, we met,
Coronjaa's light, now a cherished vignette.
Though she bid adieu, her spirit aglow,
In memories, she dances, forever in tow.

In your eyes, I find solace, a gentle embrace,
As we navigate grief, with humor, we face.
Coronjaa's antics, how they'd make us grin,
In laughter and tears, her legacy within.
Though parted by fate, our hearts intertwine,
In the symphony of love, a melody divine.

Through sorrow and joy, hand in hand we tread, In the tapestry of time, our love is spread.
So here's to Coronjaa, who left us too soon,
Her spirit still dances under the moon.
And to us, my dear, bound by love's tether,
In laughter and tears, we'll journey together. Yours Forever, Yngvar

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