9 months ago


What does FEDERAL GOVERNMENT mean? FEDERAL GOVERNMENT meaning - FEDERAL GOVERNMENT definition - FEDERAL GOVERNMENT explanation. What is the meaning of FEDERAL GOVERNMENT? What is the definition of FEDERAL GOVERNMENT? What does FEDERAL GOVERNMENT stand for? What is FEDERAL GOVERNMENT meaning? What is FEDERAL GOVERNMENT definition?

The federal government is the common or national government of a federation. A federal government may have distinct powers at various levels authorized or delegated to it by its member states. The structure of federal governments vary. Based on a broad definition of a basic federalism, there are two or more levels of government that exist within an established territory and govern through common institutions with overlapping or shared powers as prescribed by a constitution.

Federal government is the government at the level of the sovereign state. Usual responsibilities of this level of government are maintaining national security and exercising international diplomacy, including the right to sign binding treaties. Basically, a modern federal government, within the limits defined by its constitution, has the power to make laws for the whole country, unlike local governments. As originally written, the United States Constitution was created to limit the federal government from exerting power over the states by enumerating only specific powers. It was further limited by the addition of the Tenth Amendment contained in the Bill of Rights and the Eleventh Amendment. However, later amendments, particularly the Fourteenth Amendment, gave the federal government considerable authority over states.

Federal government within this structure are the government ministries and departments and agencies to which the ministers of government are assigned.

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