7 months ago

JKD Sifu Mike Goldberg of Keller, Texas learned this nasty "thumb poke" a long time ago from his Green Beret Father Patrick Joseph Corcoran who served in the Korean War. For those of you OLD enough, you might have seen the movie called "The Presidio" with 007's Sean Connery using this thumb poke in a barroom fight. TARGET AREAS can be the eyes, throat, kidneys, solar plexus and other sensitive areas of the body. Like myself, Mr. Connery had studied Kyokushinkai Karate and I remember breaking boards with this technique when I was younger. It's a very "handy tool" to have in your self defense tool belt!!! NOTICE HOW THE THUMB IS POSITIONED!!!

Whether SEMI-private or PRIVATE lessons, email inquiries to grampsfu@yahoo.com.

SEMI-PRIVATES meet on Friday Nights at 7:00p.m. at my home in Keller, Texas.


FOR PRIVATE lessons, times can be arranged any day whether at my home or yours.

It's NOT just self defense, it's a look inside yourself!!! Let's walk this journey together!!!

DISCLAIMER: Neither the author, publisher, nor any of their agents or representatives are responsible for any injury that may result from the application or practice of the aforementioned concepts, exercises, methods, and techniques in this video.

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