Convenience Crisis

7 months ago


Ever wonder how we got here in society, particularly with the obesity crisis? It all comes down to convenience. Once upon a time, man had to hunt and gather all the food. We had to do tons of manual labor to survive. Supermarkets, smartphones, cars, and other industrial luxuries we have today did not exist.

Technology has played a pivotal role in our journey. With a mere click, we can accomplish almost anything we desire. We reap the rewards by investing a fraction of the effort it used to demand.

We call this the "convenience crisis." (Michael Easter calls it the "Comfort Crisis." It's the same concept). What happens when someone takes away these luxuries? What are we left with? Dependency, enslavement.

How do we solve this? Unplug from this matrix and understand and appreciate how things work.

#unplugged #comfortcrisis #conveniencecrisis #obesitycrisis #health #nutrition

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