Giving Up Nothing and Receiving Everything in Return

7 months ago

July 13 - Giving Up Nothing and Receiving Everything in Return
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Imagine if every moment of your life offered you the opportunity to give up nothing and receive everything you truly wanted in return. Imagine giving up the ego’s illusionary, judgment-centered, fear-based tools and mindset, and in their place receiving and experiencing the love, peace and joy of God. Today, let us let go of judgment, not because this is a right that is being taken away from us, but because when we judge, we always do so with incomplete information. To be fully informed would mean that we know how every action affects everyone and everything in the entire universe. Judging on incomplete information leads to mistaken decision making, confusion, frustration, anger, resentment and regret. All of these expressions are illusionary in nature, and yet still burdens we have been programmed by the ego to carry in order to try to convince us that we could never be one with or worthy of a perfect God.

Today, let us become more aware of what is false or nothing, and what is real and All. God is Love and All. Thus only the love of God is real. Anything that tries to place itself in opposition to All is nothing. The ego, trying to place itself in opposition to God, is therefore nothing, not real or true. Thus all of the ego’s tools, such as judgment, anger, anxiousness and fear, are not real, true or worthy of you. They only appear or feel real when we are buying into the ego’s fairy tales as real. Today, let us practice closing the book on the ego’s fairy tale. Then in their place let us choose in each interaction the expression of love that the moment seems to be requesting. Today, if the ego demands judgment, let us forgive. If it wants us to worry and stress out, let us increase our trust in the Divine. If the ego insists that we condemn another, let us choose compassion instead. This is what is meant by giving up nothing (the ego’s delusions) and receiving everything (God’s love, peace, and joy) in return.
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