The Ego's Imaginary Childish Games

7 months ago

July 12 - The Ego's Imaginary Childish Games
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As you notice people participating in the ego’s illusionary mindset, you will see that their performance is like that of children playing imaginary games. When you see them as children playing games, this will not come from a sense of superiority, but from the understanding and belief in their eternal innocence. Now, if they judge you, you have no need to judge them back, because that would be like you defending yourself against a child’s imaginary game. If they shape their little hands into guns, regardless of how many illusionary bullets they shoot your way, they cannot hurt you. Your choice to not defend yourself is a sign of knowledge and clarity, not a sign of superiority or weakness. Your inner certainty comes from knowing that you forever remain as God created you.

Today, let us practice seeing those who judge us as simply asleep to their true loving nature, not as mean, bad or evil. If we judge the people who judge us, then that just means that we are also asleep. Today, let us awaken from the ego’s dream. We do so by choosing to no longer sacrifice our time and energy to judging those who sleep. When judgmental thoughts come knocking on our mind’s door, let us forgive them, and by doing so, decline their entrance into our kingdom. Today, we become examples of the awake mind by forgiving those who judge us. When we forgive others’ delusions of us, in essence, we consciously align with only the truth within. When we align with our truth instead of our delusions, with love instead of fear, we let go of silly judgment-centered, childish games that do not serve us or this world.
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