False Prophets Destroy(ed) Black People

6 months ago

Ancient Israel was plagued with false prophets who prophesied lies and false dreams to the children of Israel. Oftentimes, the false prophets would tickle their ears, telling them things they wanted to hear whereas the true prophets would reprove them and warn them of impending doom if they didn't take heed so the rebellious would receive false prophets and reject true ones (Isaiah 30:9-11). As punishment for our transgressions, YAH destroyed Israel and exiled the entire nation from the promised land. Today, we remain in our exile/captivity in the lands of our enemies where the rebellious of our nation continue to be misled by false prophets who teach them comfortable lies rather than uncomfortable truths so we remain under the reproach and shame of the Curses (Leviticus 26:14-39 and Deuteronomy 28:15-68). But as YAH will be merciful to the needy and poor so should we. Black people must be merciful toward other black people. We must take care of our own. That is conveyed in Exodus 22:25 and Deuteronomy 23:19-23 where strangers (non-Israelites/gentiles) do NOT receive the same treatment as Israelites receive from other Israelites. I know black-on-black love/black unity is considered racist BY THE RACISTS but keep YAH's Law family. Keep your personal vows to YAH (if you make any), but never forget the vow we all made to YAH at the foot of mount Sinai in Exodus 19:8, "All that YAH has spoken we will do." And while on the topic of keeping vows, I decided to speak on marriage at the end the video with Deuteronomy 20:7 and Deuteronomy 24:5. Deuteronomy 20 gives us laws on warfare and as we know, warfare is constant in the lives of black people living behind enemy lines in these foreign countries governed by people who hate us.

Video's Scriptures:
Jeremiah 23:28
Jeremiah 23:29
Jeremiah 23:30
Jeremiah 23:31
Jeremiah 23:32
Jeremiah 23:33
Jeremiah 23:34
Jeremiah 23:39
Jeremiah 23:40
Psalms 9:18
Proverbs 21:13
Proverbs 14:31
Proverbs 19:17
Exodus 22:25
Deuteronomy 23:19
Deuteronomy 23:20
Deuteronomy 23:21
Deuteronomy 23:22
Deuteronomy 23:23
Deuteronomy 20:7
Deuteronomy 24:5

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