Missing Highlights from Yesterday

4 months ago

After watching the entire hearing yesterday, I examined several mainstream media (MSM) outlets to see how the hearing would be presented to the American people. Appalling, disturbing, and wholly out of context is the simplest description I can give you. Worshipping one of the greatest criminals in human history as if he were the second coming of Christ is an insult to decent people the world over.

After analyzing the hearing and MSN’s presentation of the hearing, I put together this video to restore balance regarding the information presented. Between how the hearing unfolded and how MSM presented it later, I discovered the following:

1) Outside of yesterday's manufactured perception, many Democrats, awakened by this man's injurious policies and social influence, want answers for the damning evidence presented yesterday. Both the hearing and MSM presented 100% partisan division as reality, with the left seemingly protecting a sociopath and the right as the only concerned party at the table. This is a massive distortion of public perception, and millions of awakened Democrats supporting independent Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. are calling for justice.

2) Over the last two years, we have seen dozens of these congressional and senate hearings. Yesterday was particularly interesting as hard evidence of massive corruption was presented only to be ignored completely by the Democrats in the chamber. If I were a Democrat, I would demand answers regarding one of the worst crimes in human history. To good people on the left - you must set politics aside and demand justice. Forget right and left. Forget Republican vs. Democrat. This is a time when principle, morality, and justice must obliterate partisan politics, which, in light of the evidence presented, has no bearing on yesterday's hearing. Focus on the information, not the psychological operations that most of you are not even aware of.

3) The man in the hot seat is lying. Between his well-chosen semantic answers, body language, and eye movement, it is obvious, though I will admit he is top-notch, as most sociopaths are.

4) Finally, why hasn’t a warrant been issued for his arrest? Even yesterday, several crimes were exposed, and perjury was committed numerous times during the hearing, as in previous hearings. Yet, this man, who once indicated natural immunity was overrated and presented ivermectin as solely a veterinary drug, is still allowed to give health advice on MSM? How is this possible? And this is where we really need to take a hard look at the main accusers such as Rand Paul and Jim Jordan. How many more hearings and how much more evidence do you need? I don’t expect the Department of Justice to do anything, but at least get an arrest warrant and a trial for humanity's sake. For without that, this is all theater and extremely suspect.

RELATED: https://lmc3.org/real-news/f/%E2%80%98horrified%E2%80%99-lawmakers-demand-answers-from-fauci

RELATED: https://rumble.com/v4zf51q-watch-dr.-fauci-break-down-in-tears-in-front-of-congress-redacted-with-nata.html

RELATED: https://propagandainfocus.com/ivermectin-and-televised-mainstream-news-a-case-study-of-propaganda/

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