Becoming Less Judgmental of Your Past

8 months ago

July 6 - Becoming Less Judgmental of Your PastJune 27 - No Longer Feeling Alone
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To deliver the message of love, compassion, and forgiveness you must realize that the message is intended for you first. For it is only the truth that you have awaken within you, and become aware of, that you can truly share. The ego would have you judge yourself for your past, for your life experience, but it is actually your life experience that prepares you to better understand, share, and teach the message. Through trail and error you begin to realize that the more you align with Source's message the more joyful, fulfilled, and at peace you feel. The more you share it, the more you get to experience it, and thus the bigger part of you and your life it becomes. You start to merge with the message, and in turn with the One who wrote the message. So today let us be a bit more gentle and forgiving of our past and ourselves, for without it we would not be as self-aware as we are now. Today let us also be grateful to all those who allow us, through their participation in our life, the opportunity to share with them the message, for the more we shared it with them, the more we became One with the message, the less judgmental and more grateful we have become of ourselves and our past.
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