Bought coffee

9 months ago

In poor rural life, coffee is a symbol of stability and even success. Yes. That's it! I can’t say that I am as successful a garden owner as I would like. But...Every month we buy such a can of coffee. This is Nescafe classic. Granulated coffee. Weight 475 gr. Price $10. According to the manufacturer, this coffee is enough to brew 237 cups of coffee with a total volume of 9.2 gallons! I don't know if this is true. I haven’t checked :) But this can of coffee is enough for two people for a month.

The coffee can is made of tin. The lid of the jar is airtight. We use these empty jars for various purposes. These jars are good for storing cereals, sugar and other bulk products. This use of empty cans is also an element of rural life. Coffee beans seem like a miracle of nature to me. Coffee helps us stay alert and work well in the garden.

And this is a video of tea with lemon in our garden
Video: "Happy Friday"

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