Biden Visits His (Black, Italian, Puerto Rican, Irish) Childhood Home And The Jokes Write Themselves

9 months ago

Back in 2020, when Democrats decided for whatever reason to run Joe Biden, they worked really hard to make him like everybody else. Good ol' Uncle Joe, who grew up poor, was a single dad/widower raising three kids, and only wanted to unite the country after evil Trump had so divided it. What a load of crap THAT was. But sadly, a lot of people bought it. And as we get closer to the election, Democrats are trying to make Biden more popular by going this 'hometown guy' route again. Biden can't remember where he came from this morning but … ok. Was this where he bravely fought Cornpop? Or was this where the house burned down? Can't keep it all straight. Is this where Joe was raised by the African Jewish Puerto Rican truck-driving community? That's right, Jack!

• More at: Twitchy - LOL! Biden Visits His (Black, Italian, Puerto Rican, Irish) Childhood Home and the Jokes Write Themselves
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