The Fake Biden Inauguration and the 21 Gun Salute Comparison!

9 months ago

A great video comparison showing the differences between Bidens fake Inauguration, and the 21 Gun Salute after, compared to previous inaugurations from former presidents!

This was a staged event to show Biden is the so called legit "president"! The military is not wearing their military ranks or honors?? The 21 gun salute at the cemetery? Only 3 guns instead of 4? Is what is used for a funeral, not an inauguration!

A 3 Gun Battery Firing 2 of Guns with 5 Second Intervals between each round. (3rd gun Is there only in case of a misfire.

Video credit goes to Red Pill Awakening- subscribe to his YouTube channel at:

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Bidens Fake Inaguration, No Military Honors or Rankings, Bidens Funeral Procession, Biden Not Our President,

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