Dr.David Martin testifies the Fauci planned weaponization of the Corona Virus

6 months ago

I WISH Dr. David Martin could be in Congress questioning Tony Fauci, nailimg him to the wall! He researched this thoroughly and has all of Fauci's patent records to prove every assertion he's making. Go look him up on Rumble. Lots og videos with him explaining these things.
He and his company are basically patent auditors, and he started seeing these alarming patents by Fauci for weaponization of viruses since 2000. And he tried to tell officials about it, and his warnings were ignored. I sensed it before he said it: Every virus for the past 2 and a half decades that had a designer name that media hyped to try to scare the public--those were all these, all conditioning fear of viruses in the public mind, all working up to what they were planning all along, this "pandemic." Why do I put that in quotes? Because what really killed the vast majority was the fear that made them go to a hospital, ALL of which were issued BY FAUCI the ONLY protocol to be used to be Remdesivir, followed by a ventilator, the combination of which is highly likely to result in death since they already did studies with Remdesivir wherein it caused the greatest death, primarily by shutting down the kidneys. Yet Fauci, knowing that, said that was the ONLY allowed protocol to be used. These aren't just assertions; these are facts, and it's sickening once you know, to see him walking free.

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