AHAWA - Animal Health and Welfare Alliance - An animal branch of PHA NZ

9 months ago

Alexia and Rachel, coordinators of PHA NZ, caught up with Victoria of AHAWA to pre record this weeks Wellness Wednesday 5/6/24. We discuss some of the rescue work being carried out and other groups connected with Victoria who also rescue animals and help find new homes.

Links to groups to adopt animals who have been rescued . .




To join AHAWA on telegram search @animalalliance

A note from Victoria . .
We also have an appeal for help for the rescue animals please 🙏 to help pay for flying dogs to safety and care and emergency vet bills which are a massive cost to our rescue $20 000 in emergency veterinary costs alone this year
We are all volunteers and are not funded - this is a grass roots multi community initiative and we need everyone s help who wants to help protect animals in this country- this is without a doubt a crisis
If we are to endure we need help and funding please 🙏
Animal Welfare Network NZ
Rescue Animals 12 3405 0043803 50
Many many thanks for your kindness and help

For more information on PHA NZ
PHA Australia

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