jazz...conspiratorial jibber jabber, never trying to be pointlessly inflammatory

8 months ago

i switched lanes. thank you for your imput
oh yeah i wasn't saying anything at all
no train of thought to lose
no seatbelt today
my seatbelt won't get taken away b/c of the constitution
saying that is just inflammatory, it won't change anything
there's a lotta legislation involving discrimination
they don't do this at restaurants cos they will take whatever they can get
God has to get involved w/ me all the time
no cloud seeding in tn apparently
i've been rigorously praying about the weather machine
as you know it's election year n all
he totally meant to say that cos he's their mouth piece
the L n R screw us over in different ways
they never will do good things for the citizens
let's pretend that they're not eating kids
anything good they do is for the sole purpose of subduing the public
america is so apathetic, they will always take the scraps
Church is totally working for God, it's just enjoyable and we get paid way later
my text msg was liked oh my goodness
of course it was a woman that invented the like button
i want God to like me more than i want this from the world
imma try to do what God likes instead

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