…cancer cure, tartaria, hitler, pandemic treaty, london demo, never forget, israel, lbgtq?

7 months ago

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…cancer cure, tartaria, hitler, pandemic treaty, london demo, never forget, israel, lbgtq, flags, bees, apples, silk?
10.28 history lies alan watts
11.40 tartaria more advanced
12.40 tartaria old world
14.51 tartaria tech of old
16.02 tartary
17.51 built in the dark ages tomba di mahabata junagadh gujarat imdia il grande impero moghul
17.56 supoosedley built with horse and cart 1
18.16 supoosedley built with horse and cart
18.36 old tech
19.53 the ross expedition 1839
20.53 hitler speach translated
24.38 who pandemic treaty failure
30.21 london red white and blue 1
30.31 london red white and blue 2
30.54 london r w b 1
31.04 london r w b 2
31.17 london r w b 3
31.36 london r w b 4
32.10 johnson should be held accountable
35.06 never forget what they did
39.44 israel air defence
43.07 boys and girls
45.15 flag wars
49.07 bees destroyed newzeland
49.39 apples faked
49.50 wtf is that
50.28 water levels
51.06 how silk is made

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…cancer cure, tartaria, hitler, pandemic treaty, london demo, never forget, israel, lbgtq?

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