New York Vendee Transat June 03.24 Report. Nico's Broken His Bowsprit AGAIN! Charlie Leads Boris

8 months ago

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While they were supposed to cross it yesterday at the end of the day, the leaders of the second edition of the New York Vondée only crossed the other side of the low pressure trough planted on their route last Sunday morning. This elongated area of ​​relatively low atmospheric pressure has clearly given them a hard time, and it continues to do so, with the rest of the fleet. The models are always completely off the mark. In this context, sailors must resort to the basics. Navigate the old-fashioned way, with your eyes riveted towards the clouds, but also multiply the maneuvers, and remain fully concentrated on their settings. While it’s certainly not easy, it’s also not ideal for quickly gaining miles in the right direction. The proof is that as they finish their fourth day at sea, they have barely completed a third of the journey!

On the tracker, leading is Charlie Dalin, followed closely by Boris Herrmann and bough-sprit missing Nicolas Lunven.

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