Tennis Channel Plus Improvements & TC Plus Promo Code (Save 20%)-June 2024

9 months ago

***Please note: The original version of this video got flagged for copyrighted material so I chose to re-upload it with a black box covering the material, rather than take out the ~35 secs, so that you hear the entire audio***

This video has a brief summary of the improvements Tennis Channel Plus has seen over the past month since the app & website were updated in addition to a current working promo code that saves 20% off the cost of it. Plus, *DO NOT* pay for the service with PayPal as you will pay extra taxes & fees----watch the video for more details.

0:00 Intro
0:24 Promo Code (20% off)
0:44 PayPal Taxes & Fees (DO NOT pay with PayPal)
1:17 TC Plus App & Website Improvements
6:34 One Problem with the Updated App/Website

Videos on how to download/save videos from TC Plus (Note that these methods still work even after the website update!!)

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